Bits and Ends in the Beginning
The goal of the creation. If you were God, how would you guide humanity, preserving its free choice and still trying to move it forward!
- Arye Kaplan – The Jewish Nation is a class of teachers and priests. “And you shall be a nation of priests and a holy nation (Exodus 19:6 and Siporno).
- A science-fiction work (and a movie) from the Soviet Union by Strugatzky brothers. See a Mosaic article in Mosaic March 22, 2018)- It is hard to be a god – explores the limitations that a god would have on influencing the development of a civilization
II So we ask, if you were God, how would you write. YOU know so much more of the story, the past and future are open before you, so how would you express it in the language of limited humans.
- In the West, we write linearly and chronologically. That is the convention created by the Western Novel.
- Three models
- Because humans see and think linearly. We are limited. If we see the front of the elephant we cannot simultaneously see its back.
- What kind of fish we get from the sea depends on the size of the holes in our nets.
- What we see comes to us filtered through a medium. Light is all colors, but we will see only the ones that are being reflected (Pardes, Tanya, Shaar Hayichud vHaemuna). See, https://www.avakesh.com/2010/12/the-three-conceptions-of-god.html
- Therefore, you can expect the Super-Author to write in a way that would allow us a glimpse of the bigger picture - a multivocal, omnisignificant, apparently contradictory manner, changing perspectives, split-screen presentations. We need to resolve these features to understand it within the limited, linear mode with which we think.