Beloved God, my Teacher and my Friend
You pull me up and please hold me there
Uplift my thoughts and my imperfect leaps
My falls I know and them to you I bare.
Forgive missteps, I made them all for You
In my exuberance I leaped before I could
It was in Love, even my weakness, it was true
So darkness flee and merit may accrue
I wasn't without fault, I did abandon You
Despair engulfed me and I fled Your Face
But always I returned, I always followed through
It was me I betrayed, not You
To YOU I come in dread and mostly love
Ashamed, in darkness and with heart enflamed
For double YOU made me, a bear and dove
A speck of gold in carbon rock inlaid.
My King, your servant pines for You
Like son, not servant, also like a slave.
Forgive and tell me that my love is true
What I fear most is that it be depraved.
:( That puppy
Posted by: Andrew | March 09, 2017 at 03:25 AM
Posted by: OSRS Gold | March 09, 2017 at 03:26 AM