Avakesh comments: From DailyZohar.com
of the cloth, or from sewing threads.... they are invalid”
שבחוטין אינן נחשבים מגופו של טלית רק קשורין ומיוחדין עמה בלבד
Kabbalah explains that the garment represents the surrounding light (ohr makif) and it is internalized and brought down by the strings, which serve as conduits of light into the lower universes. With this, the fact that tzitzis are not part of the garment and must be later attached to it teaches several points:
1- necessity of tzimtzum in bringing down energy from higher spiritual worlds.
2- that being created separate and later being united by knotting together is a higher level that being always attached. The former allows the conduits to maintain an existence that is separate from the light that they convey. The latter would lead to the conduits being nullified automatically to the overwhelming greatness of the light out of which they are fashioned.
The women who spun the hairs on the goats, created conduits out of the light itself. Though it seems that it would holier to emulate these women, the existence of independent entities that must then struggle to connect to their source, as in tzitizis, is a greater achievement. This explains why a tallis is worn during davening, symbolizing that an individual can connect with HaShem despite his seemingly independent existence.