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September 13, 2010



Wow! He is caught in paradox. His neshama seems to be awakened on some level. I am intrigued because part of me can relate to an extremely long davening that at times can be devoid of deep meaning. While I know what I am supposed to do, lived experience and meaning are so crucial to connecting to such poweful days. Any advice?



TO add to the previous post. I just came back from Uman where I mamash felt as if it was the beginning of the geualah. 45,000 plus of every type of Jew from Mea Shaarim to Jews with tatoos and piercings, all gathering to bring in the new year, experience achdut, and come close to a tzadik. It felt alive--- dancing and signing rather than a cold, stern, atmoshpher filled with din was the most meaningful Rosh Hashanam + Daving I had experienced. Still fresh in mind, this is one main reason I can relate to some of Rami's words.

p.s.Avakesh--COuld you comment on Uman in general?


Breslav is definitely a post-modernist movement and what I see in Uman is a ppst-modern religion. Many aspects of it is where we need to go in order to survive in the this post-modern world. Other aspects are distubing. We wait for a wise teacher to show is how to incorporate the old into the new and how to make every davening in every shul more inspiring and of higher caliber.


Sara Raftenberg

I am personally bothered by statements to the effect that "I can't imagine a reading of Tanya divorced from its environment of thousands of volumes of Chabad literature that build on it and explicate it".Tanya is an excellent sefer but it didn't eminate straight from Heaven with revealed implications thanks to the various L rebbes.It's a work that can stand alone and is open to different readings. Why worship L per se? I draw a lot of wonderful mussar from Tanya and some insights into Arizal, but don't worship it. That only closes a wonderful work that should be left open (and often reread).


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