Just before Yom Tov I received a mass mailing from the proprietor of the enterprise at the center of the Monsey chicken scandal. It is entitled 'Begging Forgiveness' and contains text in English on the left and in Hebrew on the right. After a great deal of soul searching I decided to retype and post this letter.
Even though it is permitted for the recipient of a letter to share it with others (Steipler, Karaina De'Igarta), I elected not to reproduce the letter itself but only its text. I also omit the name of the writer: those who know, know and those who do not, shouldn't. Furthermore, the writer has done Teshuva and is seeking to publicize it. Posting the letter aids in that and it also represents a lesson from which others can learn - what Teshuva is and how it is conducted. Finally, it complements and modifies my previous post on this topic.
I find it easy to forgive for according to the information in the letter, I was never served the forbidden foods. Speaking only for myself -Our brother, mochul lach, mochul lach, mochul lach.
Begging Forgiveness.
I am standing before you, a vessel filled with shame and humiliation, to confess and express my remorse for the appalling sin I have committed, causing the multitudes to sin.
Woe is for me for I sinned, violating the mitzvos of Hashem, for I gave to eat neveilah and tereifah to frum and devoted Yidden, causing the hearts of Yidden which are open and receptive to kedusha and taharah to become numb and insensitive.
Woe is to me, for I caused the Shechina to depart from Israel, and woe is to me, for I caused a public chillul Hashem.
But, Yiddishe kinder, you should know that this meat was just a small portion of the meat in my store and I did not sell any of this meat to other establishements. I did not mean to cause you to stumble. But for several years I gave in to temptation of the yetser harah which tried to snare me day after day, and I was not strong enough to resist.
I am fully aware that I caused grief and monetary loss through the need of koshering vessels and discarding the meat in the house. The halacha requires me to reimburse the people who suffered damage. However, because of the large number of people who were affected, I am not able to refund the money. Because of this I am heartbroken, and, broken in spirit I appeal to you, begging to forgive me and to have pity on my neshama and my spirit, for I am seeking to return b'teshuvah sheleima. I implore you to adopt the middah of Hakadosh Baruch Hu, Haposeach sha'ar ledof'kei b'teshuva. " Who opens the gate to those who knock in ttshuvah," and forgive me with mechilah gemurah.
Because of my great sins I have been banished from those dearest to me, my home, and my community, living na venad, "restless and isolated". I accept and take upon myself the complete mehalach ha'teshuvah that is being prepared for me by Gedolei Yisroel.
Since it is forbidden to derive any benefit form the non-kosher profit I earned, I undertake to set aside a substantial sum of money to be distributed to needy Yidden under the guidance and supervision of Gedolei Yisrael.
I daven to Avinu Shebashematim to have mercy on me, as a father has mercy on his son who rebelled against him. And when his son return to his father, tearfully begging his forgiveness, it is the nature of the father to have compassion on his son, receiving him and accepting him and accepting his teshuvah sheleimah.
I hope the community will also have compassion on me.
Written in shame,
Name, Abbreviation of the last name
P.S. The text of this letter was seen and approved by Hara Hagaon Harav Yeshoshua Neuwirth, Shlita.
I hope to soon post a commentary on this letter as well as a detailed discussion of the points in hilchos teshuvah that it raises.
Please contact me regarding this letter! It's very important!
Posted by: DD | October 13, 2006 at 03:20 AM